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Doctor uses anatomical model to explain male urinary system.

Managing Urinary Incontinence Day-to-Day: Dealing with Mental Challenges 

Urinary incontinence isn’t just a physical issue—it can deeply affect your mental well-being too. If
Robotic Prostatetomy Surgery

What to Expect After Robotic Prostatectomy Surgery

Undergoing robotic prostatectomy surgery is a significant step towards improving your health, and now that

The Role of Diet and Exercise in Promoting Urological Health

Did you know that your diet and physical activity can significantly impact your urological health?
vasectomy sydney

Do Vasectomy Reversals Actually Work?

If you’ve had a vasectomy and are now considering starting or expanding your family, you
Erectile Dysfuntion

The Latest Advances in Erectile Dysfunction Treatment: What’s New and What’s Next?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a topic many men find difficult to discuss, yet it’s incredibly

A Guide To Peyronie’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Peyronie’s Disease (PD) is not just a physical condition. It can significantly affect men’s quality
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Robot Surgery

Robotic Prostatectomy is an effective procedure in the treatment of Prostate cancer. However there may be cases in which robotic prostatectomy is not the suitable option for certain patients, Dr Katelaris discusses these circumstances and other options that are available in such instances.

First Vasectomy Reversal in Australia using ROBOTICSCOPE

Robotic kidney surgery is particularly useful for performing the operation of partial nephrectomy. Patients suitable for partial nephrectomy are those who have a kidney cancer of a relatively small size which is located in the upper or lower pole of the kidney.



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