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Keeping your kidneys healthy

Kidney Stones and Diet

What role do our kidneys play? Your kidneys are a vital organ that act to
Different Types of Prostate Cancer Treatment

Different Types of Prostate Cancer Treatments

What is prostate cancer treatment? Many men are diagnosed with localised prostate cancer, this is

What are the signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection?

The signs and symptoms of a urinary tract infection can differ for men and women.
Botox for overactive bladder syndrome

Botox Treatment for OAB & Urinary Incontinence: Side Effects and More

Affecting 12-17%1 of the Australian population, Overactive Bladder Syndrome is fairly common, and become more
prostate cancer patients

What are the real advantages of robotic approaches for prostate cancer patients?

Prostate cancer is one of the most prolific cancers suffered by men in Australia. In
First Vasectomy Reversal in Australia using ROBOTICSCOPE

The First Vasectomy Reversal in Australia using ROBOTICSCOPE®️

Technological advances and robotic developments have been under investigation across the world for some time
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Robot Surgery

Robotic Prostatectomy is an effective procedure in the treatment of Prostate cancer. However there may be cases in which robotic prostatectomy is not the suitable option for certain patients, Dr Katelaris discusses these circumstances and other options that are available in such instances.

First Vasectomy Reversal in Australia using ROBOTICSCOPE

Robotic kidney surgery is particularly useful for performing the operation of partial nephrectomy. Patients suitable for partial nephrectomy are those who have a kidney cancer of a relatively small size which is located in the upper or lower pole of the kidney.



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