Benefits of getting an annual urological exam

Urological exams can be a daunting and taboo item on the agenda for many men. Fear surrounding a male urology examination may deter you from booking an appointment, but the good news is, that there is nothing to worry about! An experienced urologist will put your fears at ease and examine you for various health issues to prevent them from becoming serious if left unchecked.

Keep reading to discover the main benefits of booking your annual urologist exam, even if you don’t have any symptoms.

A elderly man smiling along with his urologist

How often should you get a urological exam

An annual urological exam can be used to detect a range of health conditions related to your urinary system, genitals and reproductive organs, such as cancer of the prostate or kidney stones. A male urology exam can also measure your hormone levels to determine if you are suffering from low testosterone, which may affect your fertility and other aspects of your wellbeing. It’s important to remember that most men’s urological examinations pass without any serious issues being detected, but going to an annual check-up is vital to ensure any health problems are prevented.

An annual urological check-up can seriously mitigate the risks that you might develop a serious health problem, like cancer, in organs like your prostate or testicles. Early detection of such medical issues greatly improves your prognosis and rate of survival. An annual urology exam can help you deal with smaller-scale problems as well, such as if you are experiencing minor pain or discomfort while urinating, or have an overactive bladder. It is a good idea to write down any smaller-scale issues you are experiencing before your appointment, so that your urologist knows what to look for, can pinpoint the cause of your symptoms and offer you a solution.

Urology exam procedure

Urological exams involve identifying health issues associated with the bladder, kidneys, urinary tract and male reproductive organs. Your urologist will begin by conducting a physical examination, which includes questions about your medical history and current lifestyle. The physical examination will then include assessment and/or palpitation of the kidneys, bladder and ureters, as well as the penis and testicles if necessary. Other tests commonly performed by a urologist for men include a Digital Rectal Exam (DRE), which is an exam used to detect enlargements or irregularities of the prostate gland, such as early signs of cancer.

Your urologist may also wish to run some blood tests to discover any other abnormal symptoms that cannot be solved in the physical examination. These can be used to detect Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA), a marker of an abnormal prostate, Creatine and Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) tests which assess kidney function. Abnormal kidney function may be due to a variety of simple issues such as dehydration, or could indicate more serious complications including congestive heart failure.

A urine test can also inform your urologist of any bacteria, abnormal blood cells or other foreign substances present in your kidneys and urinary tract. This simple test involves urinating into a sterile cup and can also be used to determine the presence of diabetes, urinary tract infection or early indication of other diseases.

Imaging techniques such as ultrasounds and X-rays can also be utilised to see issues that aren’t visible to the naked eye. Your urologist may request an ultrasound, which emits a high-frequency sound to provide visuals of your internal organs and detect foreign substances in your testicals, bladder, kidneys and prostate. Semen analysis can be used to determine issues with fertility such as sperm motility and quality.

How does a urologist examine you

Finally, it’s important to not let embarrassment or worry get in the way of booking an appointment. Getting a urological exam may never be an appealing process, but it is not nearly as bad as it may seem. Your urologist is there to check your health, and won’t be judgemental or make you uncomfortable. It is also important to communicate your worries in advance. For example, if you have a preference to be treated by a male urologist, you can mention this when you book your appointment so that the practice staff can accommodate your request. Additionally, while you will be asked to remove your trousers and underwear for the examination, it is standard practice for urologists and staff in the urology department to take steps to protect your modesty, so you will receive a gown or towel to cover yourself where possible.

Remember, no minor embarrassment or discomfort is worth neglecting your health and putting yourself at risk – so speak to your health professional now to put your mind at rest and book your next appointment.

Here at Katelaris Urology, we can help when it comes to your next male urological examination. As a prominent urologist in Sydney, we can provide you with a top-quality service that meets your needs. Just get in touch today.


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